RIP OneNote 2016 – Long Live OneNote
I used to be a committed Evernote user, that is until I discovered OneNote 2013. I was a bit cagey at first, but, like all converts, I have become a zealot. I have cast aside Evernote, moved everything to OneNote, and then added so much more. I use OneNote in almost every aspect of my life.
I make use of a number of plug-ins to extend the functionality, and with Office 365 use OneDrive to make notebooks available on all my devices, and share with my colleagues.
I upgraded to OneNote 2016, so you an imagine my disappointment when I discovered that Microsoft have announced that October 2020 is the OneNote 2016 end of life.
Microsoft have announced that they will not be releasing any more feature updates for OneNote 2016, the desktop version which is bundled with Microsoft Office 2016. Instead they are concentrating on OneNote Universal Windows App which only works on Windows 10 (and all of the major Mobile platforms).
Recently there have been a flurry of updates for OneNote, and Microsoft have promised a whole lot more, to bring it up to the functionality available to that of OneNote 2016.
What I don’t know is how it will affect the plug ins which are currently available for OneNote 2016. The brilliant Onetastic currently does not have a version available for the Universal Windows App.
Watch this space for further updates…