More Thoughts On Energy Efficient Windows
- In an effort to find out more about energy efficient windows, and justify Country Life’s description of me, in a recent article, as “Our expert”, I decided to bite the bullet, and invest in some.
After several hours of trial-and-error, a lot of cursing, and a fair bit of beer to lubricate the brain cells, I finally admitted defeat.I could not find anywhere to plug them in…You know what that means don’t you…These energy efficient windows are using exactly the same amount of energy as the single glazed steel windows in my garage.
- The other day I received a phone call from an old friend. She knows I work in the window industry, and she wanted to share her experience of replacement windows with me.Around this time last year, she decided to replace the original windows in her home. She allowed the salesman to talk her into A-Rated, Energy Efficient Windows, I mean, we all want to save the planet, right?Now then, last week, she received a phone call from the window company, asking why she hadn’t settled the outstanding bill.She answered, “I know I’m blonde, but you can’t catch me out as easily as that… Last year, you told me that these windows would pay for themselves within 12 months.”
The guy on the other end of the phone had no reply to that.